TimeMap App

Your calendar πŸ“† on a map πŸ—Ί. Your time mapped out!

2 min readSep 10, 2022


No longer need to open your calendars to see when & where your events are, just launch TimeMap and see all your calendars events on a map. Your time mapped out! You can even get the route from your current location and see the traffic.


Software Architecture

One of the very first Jetpack ComposeUI Apps on the Google Play Store!

Much more to come…

Jetpack Compose / Hilt / MVVM


compose_version = β€˜1.2.0-beta01’

kotlin_version = β€œ1.6.21”

roomVersion = β€˜2.5.0-alpha01’
hamcrestVersion = β€˜1.3’
// App dependencies
androidXVersion = β€˜1.0.0’
androidXTestCoreVersion = β€˜1.3.0’
androidXTestExtKotlinRunnerVersion = β€˜1.1.2’
androidXTestRulesVersion = β€˜1.2.0-beta01’
androidXAnnotations = β€˜1.0.1’
robolectricVersion = β€˜4.4’
archTestingVersion = β€˜2.1.0’
coroutinesVersion = β€˜1.2.1’
junitVersion = β€˜4.12’
espressoVersion = β€˜3.4.0-alpha02’
mockitoVersion = β€˜2.8.9’
navComposeVersion = β€˜2.5.0-beta01’

hiltVersion = β€˜2.42’
hiltCompiler = β€˜1.0.0’

retrofitVersion = β€œ2.9.0”
okhttp3Version = β€˜5.0.0-alpha.7’
conscryptVersion = β€˜2.5.2’
moshiVersion = β€˜1.13.0’

googleMapsVersion = β€œ3.1.0-beta”


Still to come. Next steps:



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