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Older Projects
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Shared Bike-[iOS]
Movie Match — [Android & ML]
Watch great movies with great people.
AI inference engine learns what movies you like and finds a nice group for you to join.
Demo Video:
MemBlox — [iOS]
Concentration game with falling blox.
Match falling blox before they fill the screen.
Demo Video:
Hummingbird Energy Spray — [Older Version Android]
Personalized energy spray
Micro-dosing nicotine, caffeine and vitamins depending on individual needs.
Demo Video:
RxDigita — [Android]
Smart pill tracking.
IoT device sends notification when a loved one takes or misses a medication.
Demo Video:
Tamagotchi Health Wearable — [Android]
Health motivation with biosensors and avatar
A Tamagotchi which reads health sensors and needs you to live healthy for it to be happy
Demo Video:
CheckOK — [Android]
Facebook Wearable Hackathon
Construct a current picture of your mental health from sensors and Facebook posts