Go Swift iOS App
Shared bike as fitness app using health and calendar to get NFT awards
Currently under development
We are all athletes using our energy to save our planet and ourselves. Thinking about shared bikes and how to promote them!
iOS app that tracks shared bikes as a healthy activity.
Shared bike as fitness app using health and calendar to get NFT awards.
iOS App Store
In development …
Software Architecture
- Android — https://github.com/philipplackner/CleanArchitectureNoteApp
- iOS — https://paulallies.medium.com/clean-architecture-ios-app-100539550110
Demo features
- DI with Swinject SwiftIU testing with ViewInspector or XCUIApplication
- Use the emulator recorder to build the test.
- Adding SwiftUI Charts to track bike usage and money spent / saved.
- Swift Async Algorithms & AsyncSequence
- AsyncImage https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/asyncimage
Using SwiftUI Charts — Protocols and Generics
Still to come. Next steps: