Autonomous Home Security Micro-Drone

Smart & Effective Home Security AI/ML Micro-Drone

7 min readMay 5, 2024
Cost Effective Home Security. Micro-Drone on Rust (Lang) Base Station (charging / data transfer)

Autonomous Home Security Micro-Drone

Micro-drone capable of autonomously surveying a home while the residents are away. This drone will capture images, upload them to YouTube, and notify the homeowner of any significant changes detected within the environment.

We will delve into the components, software, and functionalities required for this project, emphasizing safety and responsible use.

Keywords: Micro-drone, Autonomous flight, Home security, Image recognition, Notification system.

Project Name: Firefly Autonomous Home Security Micro-Drone ©


With advancements in miniaturization and sensor technology, micro-drones are becoming increasingly versatile tools. This project explores the construction of a micro-drone equipped with autonomous navigation and image capture capabilities for home security purposes.

This drone will provide peace of mind to homeowners while they are away by autonomously patrolling the interior and capturing images at designated intervals.

We will build the prototype by reusing our smartphone.

Smartphone Drone

Firefly Mico-Drone Hardware Components

Flight Components

  • Micro-drone Frame: A lightweight and durable frame specifically designed for micro-drones should be selected. Carbon fiber or high-strength plastics.
  • Brushless Motors: High-efficiency brushless motors are essential for achieving desired flight times and maneuverability.
  • Battery: A lightweight, high-capacity Lithium Polymer battery will provide sufficient power for approximately 10 minutes of flight time.
  • Power Management Unit (PMU): The PMU regulates the power supply to the flight controller and other onboard electronics, ensuring stable voltage and preventing damage from power surges.
  • Integrated Circuit (IC) for Battery Monitoring: A dedicated IC provides real-time monitoring of the battery voltage and current, crucial for estimating remaining flight time and triggering low-battery warnings for safe return to the charging station.

Not needed by smartphone flight controller.

Firefly Micro-Drone Surveillance System.
  • Camera: A small, high-resolution camera with Wi-Fi capabilities is essential for image capture.
  • Wi-Fi Module: Enables real-time image transmission from the camera to the control system.
  • Communication Ports: These ports enable the flight controller to communicate with other components and receive control signals. Common ports include:
    - Serial Ports (UART): Used for communication with telemetry radios, GPS modules (if applicable), and external configuration devices.
    - 2C and SPI: These internal communication buses allow the flight controller to interact with peripherals like sensors and actuators.
  • Distance Sensor: An ultrasonic sensor or LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) system will allow the drone to navigate obstacles and maintain safe flight paths.
  • Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU): The IMU is a collection of sensors that measure the drone’s orientation, acceleration, and rotation. A 6-axis IMU combines a gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer for comprehensive data on the drone’s movement.
    - Gyroscope: Measures the drone’s rate of rotation around its roll, pitch, and yaw axes.
    - Accelerometer: Measures the drone’s acceleration in all directions.
    - Magnetometer: Measures the Earth’s magnetic field, aiding in compass functionality and orientation. Note: all smartphones have very powerful IMU
  • Barometer: This sensor measures the surrounding air pressure, which helps the flight controller maintain altitude and improve flight stability, especially during indoor navigation.
  • Optional: Onboard SD Card Slot: An SD card slot allows for data logging, which can be helpful for troubleshooting flight issues or analyzing flight performance.
  • Microcontroller Unit (MCU): This is the central processing unit of the flight controller. For an autonomous home security drone, a mid-range to high-performance 32-bit MCU is recommended. Some popular options include:
    - G4: Typically uses an ARM Cortex-A7 core, offering a good balance of processing power and efficiency.
    - F7: Utilizes a more powerful ARM Cortex-M7 core, enabling faster processing speeds. (STM32)
    - H7:
    Leverages the even faster dual ARM Cortex-M7 cores, ideal for complex flight algorithms and sensor fusion.

Smartphone Flight Controller

Smartphone is the perfect mind for the drone.

The heart of the drone, the flight controller receives sensor data and controls the motors for stable flight.

The flight controller acts as the brain of the micro-drone, processing sensor data and issuing commands to the motors for stable and autonomous flight within your home.

By selecting a “smart phone flight controller” with these components and functionalities, you can equip your autonomous home security drone with the processing power, sensor data, and communication capabilities necessary for stable and intelligent flight within your home environment.

We will be creating our own custom Android / iOS drone flight control software.

Software and Functionality

  • Flight Planning Software: Software will be required to program the drone’s flight path within the home environment. This path should use the AI/ML learning algorithm to ensure complete coverage and collision avoidance.
  • Image Recognition Software: Software with object recognition capabilities will analyze captured images and compare them to baseline images taken when the home is unoccupied. Significant changes, such as the presence of unauthorized objects, can trigger alerts.
  • Automatic Image Upload: The captured images will be automatically uploaded to a private YouTube channel accessible only to the homeowner.

Base Station: Charging, Alarm/Alert & Data

An alert system will be implemented to notify the homeowner through email or text message in case of significant changes detected in the images or if the drone goes missing from the charging station.

Our base system uses Rust language (secure and memory safe) server to providing all the functionality.

A dedicated charging station with a docking mechanism will ensure efficient charging and secure storage of the drone between flights. The station can be equipped with sensors to detect missing drones.

Firefly above Rust Security Server

We will be creating our own custom Rust server software.

Building and Programming

Building the micro-drone requires careful assembly of the hardware components, followed by precise configuration of the flight controller software. Flight planning software will be used to define the autonomous flight path within the home environment, ensuring obstacle avoidance and complete coverage. Image recognition software needs to be trained on a set of baseline images of the empty home to establish a reference point for detecting changes.

Safety Considerations:

  • Weight and Power Limitations: Micro-drones are lightweight and pose minimal physical threat in a controlled environment.
  • Flight Path Planning: The AI autonomous flight path should be able to learn the places of furniture, electronics, and other obstacles to avoid collisions.
  • Battery Life and Charging: The drone’s flight time needs to be carefully monitored to ensure it returns to the charging station before battery depletion. The charging station should be equipped with a failsafe mechanism to prevent overcharging.
  • Data Security: Wi-Fi connections and cloud storage for images should be password protected and securely managed.


Building an autonomous home security micro-drone is a challenging but rewarding project that leverages advancements in drone technology and software capabilities. This article outlines our framework for the design, construction, and functionalities of such a system. Implementing this project requires careful planning, technical expertise, and adherence to safety and legal considerations. Responsible use of this technology prioritizes homeowner security while respecting privacy and local regulations.

Colorful example of Firefly micro-drone on base station.

Firefly Future Developments:

Future advancements in micro-drone technology and artificial intelligence can further enhance the capabilities of this project. Integration of additional sensors could enable functionalities

Stage one:


We are also researching Jag-U-R helper robodog.

Jag.U.R : Rust — AI/ML assistive/service helper RoboDog.

JourneyAgileGuiding — Utility U: Robotic R:


Jag.U.R (dʒæg.jʊ.ar) ™

  • Jag-dʒæɡ
  • U-jʊ
  • R-(ar/ɹ)

dʒæg.jʊ.ar / dʒæg.jʊ.ɹ = “Jag.You.Are”

Very early concept drawing …

AI/ML — Rust / ROS/ RTOS

