AI Ad Agency

Using AI to Sell Stuff

Siamak (Ash) Ashrafi
14 min read4 days ago

AI Ad Agency: Using AI to Sell Stuff

You might think building AI at a biotech might be my ideal job … Yes, but what is really important to me is getting people to buy stuff they did not know they needed. 😽 That is why we are building an AI Ad Agency (AiAdAg).

AI building Ads

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into advertising strategies has become a game-changer. AI ad agencies are leveraging cutting-edge technology to revolutionize how products are marketed and sold, providing unprecedented precision, efficiency, and effectiveness. This article delves into the concept of AI ad agencies and explores how they utilize AI to sell products.

Why me … building the Ad Agency of the future? See Below 👇🏾

Understanding AI Ad Agencies

AI ad agencies are marketing firms that utilize artificial intelligence to develop, execute, and optimize advertising campaigns. These agencies employ a variety of AI technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), and predictive analytics, to enhance the performance and reach of their marketing efforts. The goal is to create personalized, data-driven advertising strategies that resonate with target audiences and drive conversions.

New King in Town (AI)

How AI is Transforming Advertising

AI: The Secret Weapon in Your Ad Arsenal — Traditionally, ad agencies relied on a combination of creativity, market research, and intuition to craft campaigns. AI disrupts this by injecting data and machine learning into the mix. Here’s how:

  • Unveiling Hidden Audiences: AI can analyze vast amounts of customer data to identify hidden patterns and preferences. This allows for hyper-targeting, reaching the exact audience most likely to convert, rather than relying on demographics alone.
  • The Power of Personalization: AI can create personalized ad experiences. Imagine an ad that adapts in real-time based on a user’s browsing history or location. This level of personalization can dramatically increase engagement.
  • Content that Captivates: AI can write compelling ad copy, generate emotional imagery, and even create personalized videos. This allows for A/B testing at scale, constantly optimizing the ad for maximum impact.
  • Machines That Never Sleep: AI can monitor campaign performance in real-time, automatically adjusting budgets and strategies for optimal results. Imagine an ad campaign that learns and improves on its own, 24/7.

How AI Ad Agencies Sell More Stuff — So, how does this translate to selling more products? Here are a few examples:

  • Ecommerce on Autopilot: Imagine an AI ad agency that manages your entire e-commerce ad strategy. It personalizes product recommendations for each visitor, optimizes ad spend across channels, and retargets abandoned carts — all with minimal human intervention.
  • Social Media Savvy: AI can analyze social media conversations to understand brand sentiment and identify emerging trends. This allows AI ad agencies to create targeted social media campaigns that resonate with specific communities.
  • From Awareness to Action: AI can use dynamic creative and strategic ad placement to move potential customers through the sales funnel. Imagine an ad that starts with brand awareness, then switches to targeted promotions as the user shows interest.

focusing on the power of your face — not for identification, but to unlock the perfect ad based on a combination of facial features, emotions, and even your style. (+ time, date & season)

Detailing the power of AI in advertising used today:

Audience Targeting and Segmentation — One of the most significant advantages of AI in advertising is its ability to analyze vast amounts of data to identify and segment audiences accurately. AI algorithms can process data from various sources, such as social media, browsing history, and purchase behavior, to create detailed customer profiles. This enables marketers to target specific demographics with personalized ads, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Content Creation and Optimization — AI-powered tools can generate and optimize advertising content with remarkable efficiency. Natural language processing allows AI to create compelling copy for ads, social media posts, and email campaigns. Additionally, AI can analyze the performance of different content variations in real-time, enabling marketers to refine their messages for maximum impact. This dynamic approach ensures that the content remains relevant and engaging.

Predictive Analytics — Predictive analytics is another area where AI excels. By analyzing historical data, AI can predict future trends and consumer behaviors. This allows advertisers to anticipate market shifts and adjust their strategies accordingly. For example, AI can forecast which products are likely to be in high demand during specific seasons, helping companies optimize their inventory and marketing efforts.

Programmatic Advertising — Programmatic advertising involves the automated buying and selling of ad space in real-time. AI algorithms facilitate this process by determining the most effective placements for ads based on audience data. This ensures that ads are displayed to the right people at the right time, maximizing the return on investment (ROI) for advertising spend. Programmatic advertising also allows for greater flexibility and scalability in campaigns.

Performance Tracking and Reporting — AI provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities that offer deep insights into campaign performance. Marketers can track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs with greater accuracy. AI can also identify patterns and anomalies in the data, enabling marketers to make data-driven decisions and optimize their campaigns continuously.

AI/ML to Generate Foot Traffic to Help Local Small Business

Real-World Applications

Several companies have successfully integrated AI into their advertising strategies, demonstrating the technology’s potential. For instance:

  • Coca-Cola uses AI to analyze social media data and identify consumer preferences, allowing them to tailor their marketing messages accordingly.
  • Sephora employs AI-powered chatbots to provide personalized beauty recommendations to customers, enhancing their shopping experience and driving sales.
  • Netflix utilizes AI algorithms to suggest content to users based on their viewing history, significantly improving user engagement and retention.
Anyone can now make art

The Future of AI Ad Agencies

The future of AI ad agencies extends far beyond traditional video and copy creation. As technology evolves, these agencies will also offer comprehensive services including AR/VR experiences and mobile app development. This expansion will enable brands to engage with their audiences through innovative and interactive platforms, creating a more immersive advertising experience.

AR/VR Experiences and Mobile App Development

AI ad agencies will leverage their expertise to develop custom AR/VR experiences and mobile apps that provide personalized experiences for users. These technologies can offer features such as:

  • Interactive Advertising: AR/VR and mobile apps can include interactive elements like augmented reality (AR) and gamification to engage users in novel ways.
  • Immersive Experiences: Virtual reality (VR) can create fully immersive environments where users can interact with products and brands in a lifelike setting, enhancing engagement and emotional connection.
  • Personalized Content: AI algorithms can tailor app content and AR/VR experiences based on user behavior, preferences, and location, ensuring a unique experience for each user.
  • Real-Time Engagement: Push notifications, in-app messaging, and real-time interactions within AR/VR environments can be optimized by AI to deliver timely and relevant updates, promotions, and advertisements.

AI Program Creation

In addition to AR/VR and mobile apps, AI ad agencies will create bespoke AI programs that can drive brand engagement and operational efficiency. These programs might include:

  • Chatbots: Advanced AI chatbots that can handle customer inquiries, provide recommendations, and guide users through their purchasing journey, all while offering a personalized touch.
  • Recommendation Engines: AI-driven recommendation systems that analyze user data to suggest products, services, or content tailored to individual preferences, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Predictive Analytics Tools: Custom AI programs that use predictive analytics to forecast market trends, consumer behavior, and the success of various marketing strategies, allowing for more informed decision-making.

The Synergy of Comprehensive Services

By integrating video production, copywriting, AR/VR experiences, mobile app development, and AI program creation, future AI ad agencies will offer a holistic approach to advertising. This synergy will enable brands to deliver cohesive and consistent messaging across all digital platforms, enhancing brand loyalty and driving sales.

These advancements mean that AI ad agencies won’t just be about selling products through ads; they will become integral partners in a brand’s digital ecosystem, providing tools and strategies that elevate the entire customer experience. As a result, brands will be able to engage with their audiences in more meaningful and effective ways, ensuring they stay ahead in an increasingly competitive market.

Building at the Speed of Thought

Google Labs Tools* — Using the tools in Google Labs, we can build as fast as we can imagine. Here are some of the tools that facilitate ad creation at the speed of thought:

  • VideoFX
  • ImageFX
  • MusicFX
  • Musical Canvas
  • We will do an entire post on these tools (Coming Soon)

Using AI for Image and Video Generation

AI image and video generation tools are transforming the way high-quality ads are created. These tools allow for the rapid production of visually stunning and engaging content, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with traditional media production. Here’s how AI is used in this process:

  • AI-Generated Imagery: AI can create high-resolution images tailored to specific ad campaigns. These images can be customized to fit different themes, styles, and brand guidelines, ensuring a consistent and appealing visual identity.
  • Video Generation: AI can produce videos by stitching together clips, adding transitions, and overlaying text and graphics. These videos can be dynamically adjusted based on the target audience, making them highly relevant and personalized.
  • Automated Editing: AI tools can automatically edit videos, selecting the best shots, synchronizing with music, and applying filters and effects. This allows for the creation of professional-quality videos at a fraction of the time and cost.
  • Real-Time Adaptation: AI-generated ads can adapt in real-time based on user interactions and preferences. This means that the content can evolve to better engage the viewer, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
AI Generates a new Ad very 20 min! from user feedback.

Building Ads at the Speed of Thought: AI enables us to generate ads quickly, allowing for immediate user feedback and iteration. Imagine showing an ad in a Starbucks, gathering feedback, and using AI to regenerate a new ad within minutes. This bypasses the lengthy traditional process of rewriting, reworking, and rerendering by the copy, image, and video departments. This rapid cycle ensures that ads are fine-tuned to audience preferences almost instantaneously, revolutionizing ad development and making it truly responsive.

AI can generate content as fast as thoughts, allowing for lightning-fast creative cycles.

Examples of VideoFX, ImageFX, and MusicFX coming soon!

AI generated music for my (AI Gen.) kids. Yes married to a duck 🐤

The Key to Good Design

Having spent years thinking about design, my heart and mind are ready. Being a huge fan of the D.School at Stanford’s Design Thinking and Design Sprints, and having judged student projects for the past seven years, I’ve learned that the key to good design is to “put the customer at the center and everything else follows.”

This philosophy has evolved into what we call “Building at the Speed of Thought: Data-Driven Ethnography,” which focuses on the following major points:

  • Fast Iterations Lead to Superior Products: Fast iterations lead to superior products compared to long design cycles.
  • Accelerated Design Process: As development tools get better, the design process can be accelerated.
  • Data-Driven Design: Designers of the future are going to work with data more than users.

The overall point is to bring the designer (and tools) as close to the customer as possible. This decreases the time to build prototypes and increases the evolution of the product.


AI ad agencies are poised to revolutionize the advertising industry by combining the power of artificial intelligence with human creativity and strategic thinking. The integration of AI tools in ad creation and campaign management allows for unprecedented personalization, efficiency, and effectiveness. As AI technology continues to advance, it will play an increasingly central role in shaping the future of advertising, transforming how products are marketed and sold.

*This entire post was mostly written by AI with sight help from yours truly.

Why me ??? building the AiAdAg of the future!

Let’s ask AI to generate an ad for me …

AI generated an Ad for me 🍾

A unique individual seamlessly blending three invaluable traits:

Creativity, Technology & Design

Creative Visionary:

  • Utilizes cutting-edge technologies (AI, QtCp, AR, VR & BC/DLT) to solve real-world problems
  • Applies technology in unconventional ways to address complex challenges
  • Creates innovative solutions for diverse problems with remarkable agility

Explore Mind-Blowing Projects 🤯

Technologist Extraordinaire:

  • Master of native mobile and wearable development: Android (Kotlin / Compose) and iOS (Swift / SwiftUI)
  • Proficient in Python for machine learning (Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Pandas, NumPy)
  • Skilled in Rust, including Quantum Computing, ML with PyO3, Axum server, blockchain/web3, and robotics control

Read Technical Articles 🧪

Designer of Magical Products:

  • Deeply committed to understanding and enhancing the customer journey
  • Expert in designing and iterating at the speed of thought with real-time insights
  • Specializes in marketing, distribution, and monetization guided by Data-Driven Ethnography (DDE)

Building Speed of Thought 🏗️

Designing, prototyping, building, and deploying with lightning-fast iterations.

This combination of creativity, technical prowess, and consumer focus makes for an outstanding talent.

Most importantly plays well with others :-)

Wow … not bad … let’s ask AI to write a cover letter for an Ad company …

AI Gen TBWA\Chiat\Day LA Cover Letter

Dear Hiring Team at TBWA\Chiat\Day LA,

I am excited to apply for a position at TBWA\Chiat\Day LA, bringing a visionary approach to AI-driven advertising. My extensive experience in mobile development, AI/ML, AR/VR, and data-driven design uniquely positions me to contribute significantly to your groundbreaking campaigns.

Innovative Creativity & Visionary Solutions:

  • Creative Visionary: Leveraging AI, Quantum Computing, AR, Blockchain, and VR to solve complex challenges and deliver pioneering solutions. Explore Mind-Blowing Projects 🤯
  • Technologist Extraordinaire: Mastery in native mobile and wearable development (Android & iOS) and proficiency in Python, Rust, and AI technologies. Read Technical Articles 🧪
  • Designer of Magical Products: Committed to enhancing customer journeys through data-driven ethnography and rapid iterative design. Building Speed of Thought 🏗️

AI-Driven Advertising Solutions

In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI advertising, the fusion of advanced technologies and creative insights is paramount. My background in developing cutting-edge applications and systems equips me to lead in this transformation. Here are some key highlights of my expertise:

  • Pioneering Mobile and Wearable Development: As a Mobile/Wearable Developer and Designer at YLabz, I have built numerous AI/ML and AR/VR applications. I have been at the forefront of integrating the latest technologies, such as Kotlin, SwiftUI, and visionOS, into user-centric applications.
  • Advanced AI/ML Expertise: At Target Discovery/MassWerx, I have cleaned, processed, and analyzed complex biological data using TensorFlow and Scikit-learn. I have successfully deployed AI models in production environments with 99.8% accuracy, demonstrating my ability to create reliable and impactful solutions.
  • Award-Winning Innovator: My contributions have been recognized through major hackathon wins and prestigious awards like JavaOne Rockstar and Amazon Ninja Coder. These accolades underscore my commitment to excellence and innovation in technology.
  • Speaking: Delivered ~52 conference talks nationwide over 12 years.
    Taught and authored technical sessions on advanced Android/iOS development, AI/ML, AR/VR.
  • Publications & Patents: Author of “Introduction: Reactive Programming with SwiftUI and Combine Framework” and technical book editor for “SwiftUI for Dummies.” Patented methods for managing software in network systems and transitioning between redundant computer systems.
  • Sports: Hosting snowboarding, teaching surfing and racing sailboats (

Building at the Speed of Thought: Imagine crafting an Ads that anticipates and fulfills your client’s needs almost intuitively, aligning so closely with their desires that it feels like an extension of their thoughts. This is not a distant vision but a reality shaped by our approach at GNSeven — building at the speed of thought.

Our methodology discards traditional development cycles for a lightning-fast process fueled by real-time user feedback. Creatives immerse themselves in the pulse of user insights, rapidly iterating using tools like ImageFX and VideoFX. Every few minutes, a new iteration emerges, refined by user feedback gathered through engaging methods like Q/A Starbucks gift cards, turning the audience into co-creators.

This customer-centric strategy ensures that each iteration evolves into a audience-forged masterpiece, honed over days into a polished gem ready for market. Fast, responsive, and deeply aligned with customer needs — this is the essence of building at the speed of thought.

The key to a good design is “put the audience/customer at the center and everything else follows”. The three major points:

  1. We know fast iterations lead to superior products as opposed to long design cycles.
  2. As development tools get better the design process can be accelerated.
  3. Designers of the future are going to work with data more than user feedback.

The overall point is to bring the designer (& tools) as close to the customer as possible. This decreases the time to build prototypes and increases the evolution of the product.

Vision for TBWA\Chiat\Day LA: Integrating AI tools from Google Labs and other cutting-edge platforms, I envision creating unprecedented advertising experiences that set new industry standards. By leveraging mobile sensors, machine learning, and real-time data, we can craft highly personalized and engaging ad campaigns that resonate with consumers on a deeper level. Here are some specific ways I can contribute:

  • AI-Powered Creative Campaigns: Utilizing AI to analyze consumer behavior and trends, we can develop highly targeted and effective ad strategies that maximize engagement and ROI.
  • Immersive AR/VR Experiences: Creating interactive and immersive advertising experiences through AR/VR, enhancing brand storytelling and consumer interaction.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Employing advanced data analytics to gain deeper insights into consumer preferences and behaviors, driving more informed and impactful advertising decisions.
  • Building at the Speed of Thought: Showing an ad, gathering feedback, and using AI to regenerate a new ad within minutes. Bypassing the lengthy traditional process of rewriting, reworking, and rerendering by the copy, image, and video departments. AI can generate content as fast as thoughts, allowing for lightning-fast creative cycles.

Why TBWA\Chiat\Day LA? Your agency’s dedication to disruptive creativity and innovative campaigns aligns perfectly with my passion for merging technology and design. I am eager to collaborate with your talented team to push the boundaries of what’s possible in AI-driven advertising and deliver extraordinary results for your clients.

I have a well-established track record and a broad skill set. My job performance has yielded top marks and multiple awards. I am granted early access to new tools by leading technology companies and am a sought after speaker helping to promote the tech ecosystem. I have helped launch ideas originating from living room discussions into well-funded startups. The experience of starting several companies has produced a diverse set of useful skills. These included hiring technical staff, project planning and customer relations management. I have both the practical experience developing applications, and the research experience analyzing the latest technologies, to provide realistic proposals for future products.

I have been reflecting on what I might bring to Chiat\Day LA based on my experience and continuing studies. I look forward to an opportunity to discuss these ideas with you. I think that what you do is interesting, exciting, and important, and would love to be a part of it.

Best regards,

Siamak (Ash) Ashrafi

Not bad … going to submit it to them :-)


Note: “How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying” From the musical with the same name …

“The end of Act I finds him engaged to Rosemary and appointed Vice-President In Charge Of Advertising — which, as the Book Voice points out, is a dangerous place to be.” The only way forward is to steal ideas …

AI is here to help!

